Scoliosis can be an aggressive condition and can affect all ages. In children it usually affects girls. There are various forms of scoliosis infantile, juvenile, De Novo, and traumatic injury induced scoliosis. Often, the treatment approach is to wait and see if the spinal curvature get worse. Once the spinal curve reaches 50 degrees or more, surgery is most likely recommended. We believe that anyone who has scoliosis should receive early treatment intervention and should know exercises to avoid and which ones are beneficial.
Scoliosis Exercise & Treatment
Treatment is based on many factors, such as age, degenerative changes, your ergonomic postural mannerisms, spinal flexible, strength and coordination of movement skills.
We use corrective bracing and exercise protocols based on an advanced treatment method call “Chiropractic BioPhysics”.
We are versed in other treatment methods for scoliosis, including Schroth, Scolio-Pilates, and Yoga for scoliosis.
It would be worth while for you to contact us regarding any concerns you may have about you, a child, or a loved one.
Scoliosis Screening
Custom Exercise Equipment
Everyone is unique and have a diverse range of symptoms and conditions. At Sams Chiropractic we are very adamate about our patient outcomes and improvements for your complex musculoskeletal conditions. Treating these conditions at times can be very difficult and only a specialist can provide the proper knowledge and therapies needed in order to achieve the greatest prognosis. Some of these techniques include:
- Spinal Bracing (Dynamic or Static)
- Specific myofascial treatments
- Unique spinal exercises
- Rigorous at home therapies
We have helped treat and manage hundreds of the most mild to the most severe cases of scoliosis and postural problems. Please contact us for information regarding which therapies would be the most beneficial to your condition.
Scoliosis Bracing is utilized to mobilize the spine in a mirror opposite of the scoliotic curves. While using a scoliosis brace it is important to exercise the spine in a specific 3-dimensional manner to prevent muscle weakness. Conventional exercise methods can do more harm and advance the scoliotic progression. Schedule an appointment to learn more.
Scoliosis Bracing & Exercises